Monday, April 12, 2010

Week 1 Blog post #3 - Assessment within a K-3rd grade Art Room. To be or not to be. That is the question.

1 comment:

  1. wonderful video... love the hat. So, evaluation... how about meaningful feedback. A number just doesn't cut it, as you hinted at. And if one is going to do this thing, than it shouldn't be communication only when things are messed up.

    If this about the admins need for numbers than I'd give every student who puts an effort in their work a passing grade or a "3" (if that's the highest grade). And I'd make a point to make useful comments to parents, based on whatever the point of the activity was.

    It was a lot of work, but I posted student work on my class website and that was what parents (and students) really wanted: Internet fame! :-) (Make sure to get appropriate permission before posting student work on the internet!)
