(2007, Nov. 14) by Mike King
This YouTube video alludes to the fact that Web 2.O tools can only be utilized if educators know that they are available and if they are given the tutorials to use them. I feel this is the leading concern when in hopes to believe that "Co-creating may become one of the most powerful engines of change that the education world will experience." (King, 2007)
(2009, May 15) by BECTA
This video explains that "Web 2.O is not anything but a change to the structure of learning". This may calm the nerves of some educators that feel the Internet is opening their students up to risky social interaction. If they truly compare the risk to everyday social interaction risks they would realize that "web 2.O has the same risks as any other social surroundings" (BECTA, 2009) Field trips, school visitors, and bathroom graffiti are a few of the social risks of going to school. They seem harmless; yet occasionally one hears of school abductions and abuse, but these are a rarity as so they are on web 2.O tools.
Rather educators should focus on the potential of learning web 2.O tools have for their students. "Web 2.O is helping learners customize their own learning." (BECTA 2009) by giving them the opportunity to focus on their own interests. "Education has been individual learning taking individual tests. We have to give students space for collaboration." (BECTA 2009) Collaboration is key to learning. We learn from one another. Yes we can learn from one teacher standing in front of the room giving out her knowledge piece by piece, but we all know she also got her knowledge from somewhere. How much more could we learn if we were all talking together? Given more freedom for our individual input on the subject? I think this method is far more advantageous.
I also believe that when a teacher collaborates through web 2.O tools it changes his/her classroom environment. He/she is learning through group collaboration and realizing the excitement that pairs with the learning. How can this not change a way one teaches? I know it has changed my art room for the better. Actually it liberated my classroom...gave my student’s individual freedoms that were greatly accepted and appreciatedJ.
I love your statement "Collaboration is key to learning". Especially in our fiercely independent and competitive society, sharing our knowledge is somewhat resisted. However, true growth happens when we overcome fear with facts. I only wish that the fear of internet tools was easier to overcome. Some parents have taken kids out of public schools to avoid the "bathroom graffiti" and other social risks. Thanks for your blog!