Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week 3 - Blog Posting #5 -Social Media

Brown, G. (2009, July) Gordon Brown: Wiring a web for global good [Video File]. Video posted to

This video showcases the bigger picture of social media. Helping within the entire human race community. Making the terrors of life known to the public for intervention. Social media using images, text, and music to communicate to individuals searching for a worthy cause to spend their surfing time on.

I agree that there is a global want to rescue someone in need, yet I don’t feel the bigger picture is the reality on the Internet. Do you? I rarely am faced with starvation, poverty, and torture. I am bombarded with sex, products, and self-indulgences. Greed and selfish ambitions flood the pages I pass through on a daily basis including sadly my own writings.

How do we hear about the critical needs of the world when we are not in contact with those individuals in need? That is where social media comes into play. In this video:

Soliya on CNN's Inside the Middle East (January 15, 2009) by CNN

It explains the Soliya project where individuals from all over the world meet to talk about sensitive global subjects via global video conferencing. This opened up the “true reality” for a lot of American and worldwide students involved. They stated that this project helped to debunk a lot of myths they had for each other’s countries, needs, and ideals. I imagine this project also drew action for mediation within the participants. Communication breads global community rescue.

Emerging Tech Talk #017 - Martin Murray on Using Social Media in Natural Disasters (Jan. 16, 2009) by Dan York

Social media tools are being used to help areas in disaster; and this suggests that the emotional pull of someone in need sends a frenzy of support when the word gets out.

This imposes upon me to take action toward need in my immediate area and needs that I feel passionate about within the world. I need to broadcast my concerns through photos, paintings, songs, blogs, twitter, and face book to get the acknowledgement these situations deserve. When human beings connect and empathize with injustice, abuse, or helplessness they act because they have soft and giving hearts☺.

The key: communication. And that is what social media gives us; a way to communicated these needs. Now march global missionaries. We have the tools. We have the concern. Now all we have to have to do is take the first step and BROADCAST.


  1. I think one of the big problems is that the Internet can bring us these problems, but there are many other things competing for attention on the web. It can speed the process along though as Gordon Brown was talking about. Good post Hilary!
